Sunday, August 10, 2008

I guess I have been too busy to post this summer! Now that school is about to start I thought I better update before all the boys are off to college! We've had a great summer! It started off with baseball all-stars as usual. So for one week we were driving up and back every day to Cedar City for the state tournament. Trev's team did good, they beat Enterprise and then Dixie, then lost to Cedar National and Cedar American. So needless to say, we didn't win and go back to San Bernadino again. I actually felt nice to be able to go camping! We went to Pine Lake over the 24th of July and Cade learned to ride his motorcycle! He has waited so long! He was crazy on it, no fear at all! They even rode in the mud after it rained and had so much fun! Cade had quite a few crashes, don't get me wrong, I said he was CRAZY not that GOOD! I took some pictures of all of his crash owies! It was heaven to be up in the mountains again! It was so beautiful and smelled so good! Grandma and Grandpa Brown came up on Sat. and we went for a long ride up over the mountain, we all had a great time! Right after we got up there and parked our trailer, Taylor looked at the tires and asked if they were supposed to be touching each other. That was bad. We had a weld on the trailer break. So we had my mom and dad bring up a portable welder and Larry and Taylor welded it back to gether to get us home. I am amazed every day at the knowledge that my sweet husband has and that he is teaching to our boys. Who would think that they could just weld it back together? And I have no idea where Taylor learned how to weld!? Anyway, we made it home on a wing and a prayer. I was already planning the next camping trip on Labor Day weekend. Hopefully, Hailee, Jerome, Whitlee and of course Skyler will be able to come this time. We missed them! Skyler has been working in Ogden with his uncle Jerome for the summer. He plans on attending Dixie State College this fall. Taylor will be in the 10th grade and has been doing football all summer along with baseball and drivers ed. Trevor will be in the 8th grade and has been mowing lawns for the neighbors and playing baseball this summer. Cade will be in the first grade in is excited to eat lunch at school! It will be very different for me to have everyone in school all day long. They all start this coming Tuesday. Right now, we are all just enjoying the Olympics and the Little League World Series on TV this week. Go USA!

Camping at Pine Lake

Camping at Pine Lake
Cade riding in the mud!

Way Cool!

Beautiful Pine Lake!

Cade's owies!

Nice Helmet Hair!

The Welding Pros!

The Welding Pros!
Fixing the trailer

Trev helping with Cade's bike

Taylor and Cade

Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation
"C" is for Cadeor!

My Little Slugger!

Doesn't he look smart?!

Country Boy at Heart!

Cadeor learning to tie his shoes!


Redneck Skyler

Redneck Skyler

Skyler"s "18" B-Day

Skyler"s "18" B-Day
Happy "18th" Skyler!

Me and My Guy

Grandpa Brown and Trevor

Buried in the sand!!