Monday, May 4, 2009

I know, it is about time! Just a little update about the fam! Taylor just had Senior Ball and had a great time! he had me take their group and individual pictures for them so we went to Sunbrook on the old bridge and I think they turned out pretty cute! It helps when you have some cute couples to work with! They were so fun to do for them I hope they ask me again! Baseball is into full swing now. We have at least 3 games a week and sometimes 7 games a week to go to! Taylor's team is undefeated this year and he has had a great time and had some great games! Trev's team is struggling this year, hopefully they will get better! It makes for loooong games to sit through. Cade is having a great time playing peewee machine pitch and doing a good job! He has caught some pop flies that surprised him and us! The look on his face was priceless though! I wish it could stay like this forever! I have been subbing a lot at the school which I enjoy and Larry and Skyler have been selling and taking care of the shop. Skyler is doing a great job selling a helping Larry at the shop. They are quite a team! School is almost over and summer is on it's way! Yea, Sunshine! Can't wait until the pool is warm!

1 comment:

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Hi Stacey, I saw you on a friends blog and was so amazed by how big the boys are! You prob don't remeber me but I used to live in town and worked for Dr. Simister and bought a car or two from Larry...anyway it was fun to see how you all are.

Camping at Pine Lake

Camping at Pine Lake
Cade riding in the mud!

Way Cool!

Beautiful Pine Lake!

Cade's owies!

Nice Helmet Hair!

The Welding Pros!

The Welding Pros!
Fixing the trailer

Trev helping with Cade's bike

Taylor and Cade

Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation
"C" is for Cadeor!

My Little Slugger!

Doesn't he look smart?!

Country Boy at Heart!

Cadeor learning to tie his shoes!


Redneck Skyler

Redneck Skyler

Skyler"s "18" B-Day

Skyler"s "18" B-Day
Happy "18th" Skyler!

Me and My Guy

Grandpa Brown and Trevor

Buried in the sand!!